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:: Mimic & Graphic Display panels
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:: Hazardous area electrical
   equipments & Panels
:: ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)

An informative and transperant method of function display and control, that provides the operator with a clear overview of the implemented functions, is of great importance for the reliable control and monitoring of technical proceesses. Mosaic systems are particular suited for this task. The modular design allows a cost effective use that excat fits the specific requirements of the plant. Future expansion and modification can be achieved without great effort. Mimic & Graphic display systems are installed in numerous control rooms all over the world.

MIMIC is the exact or approximate representation of any process plant for which the control panel and desk is going to be used.These representations make it easy to control and viewing the whole plant from one place only. The mimic helps in identification of exact location of faults at working on the moment it occurs,and is easy for maintenance. Mimic Panels find their application in various process plants like: Ash Handling, Cement plants, Railways, Petro-chemicals, Utilities, Iron and Steel, Distribution SCADA.

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